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Need Help? 


If you have a question about the One Year Challenge, or if you want to serve God in some other way, we want to help you.

Q: I'm not sure if I really want to do a One Year Challenge. How can I get more information?

A: This website contains basic information about a number of One Year Challenge sites. If you have more questions and want to speak to a leader at one of these locations, you'll need to register. 


Q: Can I do a One Year Challenge in my local church?

A: Yes! Just talk with your local ministry leader. Tell them you want to take the OYC in your home church. 


Q: What if I want to go help someplace that's not listed as a One Year Challenge site? 

A: There are many great places around the world where you can serve as a disciple. To connect directly with a church that isn't a part of the One Year Challenge program, start with the Disciples Today church locator


Q: Why are some churches One Year Challenge sites and not others? 

A: The One Year Challenge program is primarily designed to get help to churches building campus ministries in college towns or on the frontlines of the mission. Additionally, there are many wonderful opportunities for serving the poor, training for ministry, and helping plant or re-buiuld churches all over the world.


The ICOC Campus Service Team takes the lead on making sure, however, that the churches participating in the One Year Challenge program have sufficient leadership and training resources in place to work with younger disciples, many of whom may just be graduating from university. 


Q: What if I don't have a year to give? Can I serve for a summer, or during my vacation? 

A: Yes, although most churches participating in the One Year Challenge are seeking disciples who can commit to at least one year of service. If you have less than one year to give, you could directly contact churches you would like to serve using the Disciples Today church locator.

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