Campus One Year Challenge
Churches in college towns (smaller cities made up mostly of people studying at or working at a university) serve the mission in a unique way! They bring the next generation of campus disciples to Christ, many of whom will go on to serve and lead churches all over the world.
These churches face a special challenge, too: many of the disciples they make must go to larger cities for work or are called to help other churches.
Ready to learn more about taking the OYC in one of these strategic college towns? Select one of the university seals below!
Pennsylvania State
Washington State
University of Oregon
Select one of the above university seals to start learning about a Campus One Year Challenge.
Missons One Year Challenge
The gospel is for all nations! Disciples of Jesus with a heart for the mission will say, "Here am I, send me!"
For sure, people need to hear the gospel in every nation of the world. So why are some places considered "mission fields?" Simply put, some places are far less evangelized than others. In the U.S. for example, International Churches of Christ have 10 times more members relative to population as compared to the rest of the world.
As Jesus said, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Ready to learn more about these frontline mission churches seeking OYC disciples? Start on any flag!
Select any of the the above flags to start learning about an International Missions One Year Challenge.
Other Worthy Sites
Even though the One Year Challenge is primarily designed to help disciples find places to serve in college towns and on the frontlines of the mission field, there are many other excellent places where you can serve and be trained.
If you are interested in serving at one the below sites, just register to see if you're a match!
International Sites
London, UK (Training)
Vancouver, Canada (Youth & Family and Young Adult)
Sites in the U.S.
Bend, OR (Planting)
Boise, ID (Training)
Dayton, OH (Training)
Grand Rapids, MI (Teen, Campus, Church Re-building)
Greenville, SC (Church Re-building)
Lehigh Valley, PA (Planting/Training)
Missoula, MT (Campus)
Palm Desert, CA (Youth & Family or Campus)
Portland, OR (Church Planting)
Tucson, AZ (Campus, Ministry Training)